Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Time to feed the beast

Sorry devotees who have come here for new weeks but found nothing new. But let me assure that this blog will soon be the posting site for several breaking news items, including information on rehearsal dinner, flowers and more!

Vicki (Nate's mom) is coming to town for a one week visit next week, so I expect things to get rolling again.

In the meantime, why not learn about marriage in other cultures — like scientology.

On their Web site, scientologists promise that they can teach you how to have one of the few "stable and happy" marriages out there.

Skeptical? I guess you haven't seen the testimonials from reliable sources like "a jeweler in Hawaii" and "a man in Austin, Texas."

From the man in Austin:

“In 1983, after my first marriage collapsed, I took a course at the Church of Scientology on the subject of marriage.

“Amazingly, I learned what a marriage is, how to put one together, and even how to find a person who was compatible.

“Putting the information to use, I found a great person — who had been present on the same floor where I worked, right under my nose for a year, but whom I had never noticed before. Young, beautiful, smart — everything I ever wanted.

“We got married a few months later, and have been happily married ever since — 14 years now — and very stably so.

“In fact, in our 9th year, a man stopped us in a shopping center to say, ‘You two must be newlyweds!’ When we told him we’d been married for 9 years, he was dumfounded.

“We told him, ‘That’s Scientology!’

Interested in taking a course?

Scientology Marriage Courses are fast and easy to do. They don’t require a whole semester or thousands of dollars.

At most, they take a week or less, depending on your schedule, and all of them are very affordable.

After all, Scientology Churches are 100% charitable non-profit entities. They are manned by staff who are dedicated, who want to help others the way they have been helped themselves.

The staff of Scientology organizations are the friendliest people on Earth. If you knew the underlying laws of life and were truly happy in your relationships and activities, you’d feel friendly toward others, too.

They may be the friendliest people on Earth ... but what about other planets? Sorry Dan Snyder, our wedding may have Redskins colors, but I haven't been convinced we should have a scientologist ceremony.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

9 is Rhyme Time

Nallie has set out to drafting Save the Date cards. Here's the scoop: Rhymes will be involved. So will Clip Art and possibly some principals from Eric Meyer's design class, which I took in 2004.

I have no doubt he would be very disappointed in my final design.

Nonetheless I plan on mailing them to most of you. That means I need addresses! Post yours on the comments section if you would it them to be more easily perused by stalkers. Alternatively, text them to Nate or Allie on their cell phone numbers or e-mail them to

If I can figure out how to post a Word Document on here, or convert it, I will post a sneak preview of the card. Go Clip Art!


Weddings — they're contagious

Nallie would like to give a shot out to wedding invitees Mike Lefeave and Erica Rothmier, who got engaged this past weekend.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ugliest Bridesmaids' Dresses Ever

Allie's foray into wedding planning unofficially began on Super Bowl Sunday. Coincidentally, Becca the bridesmaid, was planning on a proposal from Tom Brady after his Super Bowl win, so they thought they'd start planning together. Armed with notebooks and a spot-on Gisele Bundchen accent because that's what Becca thinks he likes about her, they headed to the Convention Center's Bridal Expo to learn about all things bridal.

Whoops. Things took a turn for the worse later that night for Becca's guy(s). But, Allie took away some valuable tips and goodies, including seven pounds of cake samples,

some badass accessories,

advice about registering,

and some info for Nate too!

Later that night, the half-time show wasn't bad either.

Nate opened for Allie.