Saturday, June 28, 2008

--Reminder--Book hotel now!

Hi everyone. Just wanted to remind people that the reservation block at our hotel expires on July 3 (a.k.a this week). If you would like to stay there at the discounted rate, you have to book the room by then.  Detailed instructions are available on the right side of the page.

It's been kind of a whirlwind week otherwise, with us taking a trip to Virginia to pick out flowers, possibly coming up with a honeymoon plan and Allie getting an opponent to get kicked out of our Thursday softball game. 

I'm going to post a week in review on Sunday morning, 'cause right now I have to jump in the shower, get a haircut and head to work. :(

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here's hoping the weather cooperates

Having an August wedding in Baltimore means you are taking a risk that it will be extremely hot and humid. Combined with the inevitable chance of rain, Allie and I had decided fairly early that we probably wanted to keep most wedding activities inside.

However, outdoor wedding photos are always nice so a few weeks ago we decided to scout some possible outdoor photo sites. We swung by Mount Vernon Place (pictured left) and decided that the park's mix of scenic elements and urban features would be the perfect fit.

We met with the photographer and last night and he agreed. The parks department says that so far nothing is scheduled there that weekend, so our new plan is to meet here two hours early and get wedding party photos prior to the wedding. Now we just have to hope that the weather cooperates and that no one decides to be a jerk and interfere with the photos.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Succesful weekend

The couples shower this weekend went great. Had fun catching up with many relatives and friends. Also survived bachelor party part I and Allie had some fun with the girls. More photos and stuff when I get back to Baltimore tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oops. I'm an idiot.

I have a calendar on my Blackberry that I use to keep track of important dates, and last week I noticed that -- holy crap -- a final head count on the rehearsal dinner was due on June 23, according to my calendar.

That seemed awful early for an Aug. 1 party, but I couldn't find my copy of the contract so I decided that the Blackberry and its loyal operator could not be wrong. Then I mailed out invitations with an RSVP date of June 21.

After an hour of extensive cleaning in my office tonight, I found the contract AND found that the actual head count due date was July 23. Woops.

I wasn't the only one making mistakes though involved with our wedding though. We've had a few trips to Glen Burnie this week that were the source of frustration.

First, on Monday, I stopped by MWTux to drop off measurements for some groomsmen. I was told something like this:

"Woops, nothing you requested was put into the computer. And the person you worked with is no longer here. So you have to do it all over."

At least they were nice. But it took about an extra 30 minutes so I didn't have time to make it down to Marley Station Mall to straighten out things at Kay Jewelers. Allie and I have gotten about 10 different answers over three conversations regarding when Allie will get her engagement ring back (it's being used to create the wedding band) and when we will get the band.

So today we went to the store, talked to manager and I think it will all work out. We also got Rita's afterward (bonus), but they were a little off their game in terms of flavor selection today. I settled for peach.

Also the Twins and O's both won tonight, so overall I call Tuesday a good day.

Now, I'm looking forward to the Iowa trip this weekend. As long as I can find a place to land. For those who aren't familiar with it, floods have battered the Cedar River Valley (where I'm going) this past week.

Complete Waterloo Courier coverage here.

Can't wait to see those of you who are going to be there for the party on Saturday. If you somehow didn't find out about it, here are the details:

4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday
Nate's parent's house
3904 Oak Park Circle
Waterloo, Iowa 50701

Fortunately the forecast is mostly sunny.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Spread the word

So.... if you're getting your invitation today you're probably noticing that's it short on details. I'm regretting that it doesn't have this Web site address on it. I hope people are not annoyed that the invitations themselves don't come with accommodations/directions. If anyone asks you about this information and doesn't know about this site, please refer them to it so they can get the info!


(Most) invitations are in the mail!

If you live in Maryland, you're probably getting your invitations today. If you live elsewhere, you should see them this week (except for a few people I'm tracking down updated addresses for.)

Hope you can make it!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back to blog

So I don't know if anyone still checks this because I've done a lousy job of keeping Nallie '08 up-to-date. Some of you may even be wondering if this thing is still happening.

Well, here's my proof:

Allie and I got our marriage license on Monday and can legally get married in about two hours from the time I am writing this (there's a two-day waiting period — just like buying a gun!). Not that we plan on changing the date from Aug. 2, I'm just saying.

The process of getting a marriage license is not too hard, at least here. Mostly you just need to answer a few questions, like saying no to"Are you two related in anyway?", then you fork over $35 and its yours.

We also picked out wedding bands on Monday. Here's a photo of what mine will look like:

It's titanium, which the jeweler tells me means it will be durable. I also like the plainness. I've never worn a ring so I think it will be weird, but I guess I will get used to it.

Allie's is going to be custom made, so I can't show you what it looks like yet.

On Tuesday, friends and family in the Midwest probably received an e-vite for a shindig my parents are throwing on the afternoon of June 21. If you didn't get it it is probably because I don't have your e-mail address. Just send it to me or e-mail the blog or whatever and I will get you the info. You can also come even if you did not get the e-vite.

That night is also bachelor party Part I, the Iowa version.

Matt Schafer is organizing that and I am sure he is doing a fine job. He may also be getting a bus for transportation. Contact him if you need more info.

It's hard to believe that we are less than two months away from the wedding. Invitations should go out late this week/early next week. We have all of the big things done, like booking photographer, DJ, reception, etc; but according to that damn checklist at The Knot we have like 100 more things to do.

I can tell you at least one thing we got out of the way — the first round of songs that we will be on the "Do Not Play" list.

Drunk requests sound like fun, but don't expect to hear YMCA at my reception.

Hope to have more tomorrow. Blogging is back.