Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Checkin' that check list and looking for music ideas I headed off for Christmas Break, I set out to accomplish the following goals:

-- Ask people what they are looking for in a hotel
-- Schedule appointments to view some possibilities for a hotel
-- Review potential DJs for the party
-- Consider the possibility of not hiring a photographer
-- Check my checklist

A poll of wedding-goers predicted I would finish two, as the last two on the list would only take a minute.

Well, actually by the time I missed my flight to Iowa and had to re-book a flight on the way back, I didn't even manage one (I am currently boycotting Northwest Airlines).

However, I did at least start to develop some potential places for the rehearsal dinner. Among those in the running are Bo Brooks Restaurant; Ammicci's, which is my Mom's favorite; Shuckers, which has more affordable options than I had guessed; and Milton's, which doesn't advertise private dining but has great food.

Lest you think I'll call that accomplishment, I've already contacted three DJs, and have two front runners, DJ Dunick and DJ Danny T (this page plays music).

I'm also compiling "do play" and "don't play" lists, so if you have a preference on either one, post it on the blog or send me an e-mail.

Allie and I are going to see a hotel on Friday night that we are considering for guests in Mount Vernon. More on that this weekend. (After I go to a candidates' forum that day. Why do we have to live in a Democracy?)


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