Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tax victim

That Maryland sales tax hike has hit us in the pocket book for $109.

Here's the pleasant reminder:

Dear Nate,

As you are probably aware, on January 1, 2008 Maryland increased its sales tax to 6%. I have updated your proposal to reflect this change. As always, give us a call if you have any questions. Thanks!

A. Matthias Hess
Assistant to Charlene Calvert

Wait until I have to buy a car without a trade-in!

Oh well, someone has to pay for the governor's trips to Ireland.


Anonymous said...

Nate -

No Beyonce? Or, is that not even up for questioning? Does she automatically make the do play list?

go canada

Anonymous said...

Can you have a wedding reception w/o Beyonce?

Jim Butts said...

I for one can't wait to play Bootylicous.